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Yoga Sloths St Neots ​

Fun and Creativity wellbeing

Yoga unites the mind, body, and soul to ease tension and promote health and well-being. Regular practice improves your breathing and outlook on life.

About Yoga Sloths

The right environment for growing children

YOGA FOR EVERYONE Yoga unites the mind, body, and soul to ease tension and promote health and well-being. Regular practice improves your breathing and outlook on life.


Our Value

Get Our Free Guide

Handy tips for breathwork, how to combat anxiety, build confidence and self-esteem

We are at the heart of community requirements as a Community Interest Company.  We are a not-for-profit organisation and invest our monies back into classes and training for the benefit of the community.  At Yoga Sloths we believe that building a child's resilience and emotional intelligence will enable them to prevent challenges with mental health and give wellbeing a headstart to live a happier, more fulfilling life.

Our Classes

How Your Child Will Benefit

Not only does yoga build resilience, but it also builds emotional intelligence. If your child suffers from anxiety or even confidence, yoga can equip children with the tools they need to combat these aspects experienced every day.  Studies have shown that regular yoga practice has proven and lasting effects on mental health and overall well being.


With regular practice, your child will have the freedom of emotional release.


Regular practice will build self-esteem and prevent mental health challenges


Being able to let go and relax can be challenging Regular practice will improve focus & dissolve distraction

Join Us Now

Don't let your child's wellbeing pass you by

Our children’s yoga classes are outlined to encourage children t feel safe and in a non-competitive environment.
Working through fun animal poses children will learn the freedom of movement and the use of breath to focus and release anxiety. Each session will last between 30-40 mins. All children arc offered a free taster class, booking is essential

Our Core Values

Learning fun, sharing the joy

Hey there! I’m Rina Purdie, mum of two lovely little ladies and a fur baby. I’m also the founder of Yoga Sloths, a certified children’s yoga instructor! My reasons for embarking on the journey to teach yoga to children have stemmed from my own experience with social anxiety as a child and not having any tools to combat it.

At Yoga Sloths we have partnered with clinical professionals to help understand the dynamics of children’s mental health.  We want to be able to share these findings with you, please subscribe to our newsletter for more information on podcasts and info takeaways to read in your own time.

Learning & Fun

flexibility, balance, strength,

coordination & posture

social environment

Why Choose Us

Why Choose Yoga sloths classes in St Neots?

Everything we do is focused on delivering the highest quality of care for our amazing children. We understand that this is a magical time in your child’s development and it’s our job to provide a safe and secure learning environment that encourages children to explore the world around them!

We help children expand their comfort zones in a way that’s safe, secure, and highly individualised. Our facilities provide state of the art security, giving our parents complete peace of mind as to the safety of their precious children while they are in our care.

Our Free Guide

Get our FREE guide to children's Yogasloth

We’d love to send you a FREE copy of our children’s Yoga guide, which is full of helpful information about Yoga Sloths in St Neots as well as tips and advice that will help you navigate the process of choosing your child yoga classes.


Popular Questions

Here are some of our most frequent questions answered and explained 

Yoga practice and mindfulness via guided meditation and breath work have been shown to improve both physical and mental health in school-age children {ages 6 to 12). Yoga is a discipline, proven to improve balance, strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity in children Yoga and mindfulness offer psychological benefits for children as well.

Online classes are charged at £4 each session. Studio session are £6. You can pay as you go or block book. There is no commitment required but if you do sign up for more than one class we offer block booking discounts.

l"he mind and bodywork in unison. During yoga, both mind & body are brought together with the physical ability to hold poses and mindfulness of breath work. Breath is essential for life and ultimately the body, yoga focuses on meditative breath work techniques which can also be used in our daily lives to deal with anxiety and stress.

Flexibility is not a requirement. Yoga more than just stretching

For up to date info on additional classes please visit our Facebook and lnstagram as we like to add some new things all the lime.

Anything comfortable, like leggings, joggers and t shirts. They may wish to bring a sweater for relaxation.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Class bubbles are small numbers of the same children together in session. No interchanging.

For up to date info on additional classes please visit our Facebook and lnstagram as we like to add some new things all the lime.


Parent are talking about us!

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Join The Fun At Our
Yoga Sloths Classes

Classes for your child’s opportunity to have time for themselves without the pressure of competition and a chance to be their authentic selves

Email : yogasloths@gmail.com

Tel : 07803 000 217

Opening Hours : Mon - Fri (09.00-17.00)

Our Address : St Neots Cambridgeshire

A Day in Our Life

Book a class for your child today.